Agreement on Unanimous

Agreement on Unanimous: A Guide to Proper Language Usage

In the world of language and grammar, there are certain phrases and terms that can quickly become a source of confusion. One such term is „agreement on unanimous.” While it is a phrase that is often used, it is not always clear what it means or how it should be properly used in writing. In this article, we will explore what „agreement on unanimous” means, how it should be used, and some common mistakes to avoid.

What is Agreement on Unanimous?

First and foremost, let us define what we mean by „agreement on unanimous.” The term is often used in legal documents, parliamentary proceedings, and other situations where a group of people must make a joint decision. In these cases, „agreement on unanimous” means that everyone in the group is in complete and total agreement with the decision that has been made.

For example, if a board of directors is voting on a new policy, and all members vote „yes” for the policy, they have reached „agreement on unanimous.” This means that all members are in complete agreement with the proposal and that there are no dissenting opinions.

How to Use Agreement on Unanimous

When using „agreement on unanimous” in your writing, it is important to ensure that you are using it correctly. Here are some tips to help you use the phrase effectively:

1. Use the phrase only in situations where everyone is truly in agreement. Do not use it if there are any dissenting opinions or if some members have abstained from the vote.

2. Use „agreement on unanimous” in formal or legal writing, but not in casual writing or conversation. This is because the phrase is more commonly used in formal situations.

3. Do not use „agreement on unanimous” if you are referring to a vote that was not unanimous. In this case, you should use a different phrase, such as „majority agreement.”

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When using „agreement on unanimous,” there are some common mistakes that you should avoid. These mistakes include:

1. Confusing „agreement on unanimous” with „unanimous agreement.” While the two phrases may seem interchangeable, „agreement on unanimous” is the correct phrase to use when referring to a unanimous decision.

2. Using „agreement on unanimous” when not everyone is in complete agreement. This mistake can make the writer appear careless or uninformed.

3. Overusing the phrase. While „agreement on unanimous” is a useful phrase, it should not be used excessively in your writing.


In summary, „agreement on unanimous” refers to a situation where all members of a group are in complete agreement. When using the phrase, it is important to ensure that you are using it correctly and avoiding common mistakes. By following these tips, you can confidently use „agreement on unanimous” in your writing and communicate effectively with your audience.